With the search for affordable homes, and houses in particular, becoming ever more challenging, buyers have begun turning to historically less expensive neighborhoods. These boroughs run along the western-most edge of the city from Outer Richmond south to Lake Merced, then east across the southern border with Daly City, and up through Bernal Heights and Bayview. Of these, the Sunset/Parkside area is now the hottest, most competitive market in San Francisco. This district offers quiet streets, proximity to the beach, Golden Gate Park and major highways as well as attractive, modest-sized houses built mostly in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Sunset/Parkside is ideal for home buyers looking to spend under $1.5 million while still being able to have all of the amenities San Francisco has to offer close at hand. Median housing prices range from $1.04 million in Outer Parkside and $1.7 million in Golden Gate Heights.
In addition to the affordable home prices, this area is perfect for young couples looking to start a family. The houses throughout this neighborhood are close to parks, have yards and square footage that fits growing families. The low crime rate and easy access to highway 280, a main commute corridor for high tech workers traveling into the Silicon Valley, are also big benefits.
Mosaic stairway in Golden Gate Heights, one of the City's hottest boroughs for new home buyers.
As new homeowners move into the Sunset/Parkside district, the demographics are trending younger, which in turn is altering the dynamic of the commercial areas in the neighborhood to one that better caters to young couples and families.
If you are looking for a home for your growing family, this neighborhood should be one to consider. With our in-depth knowledge of San Francisco's housing market, The Costa Group can help you find the home that's just right for you.
Article excerpt from San Francisco Business Times.